BRANDYWINE PEACE COMMUNITY - P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081--(610)544-1818



Sunday, January 8 - Area premiere of  FORWARD MARCH TO PEACE, in which Canadian film producer, Laura Jones, depicts the history of GI resistance around Fort Bragg , Fayettville , NC , from the Vietnam War to today's opposition to the war in Iraq .

The film presents the history of the Vietnam War resistance among soldiers of the 82nd airborne in 1969, a 1970 rally with Jane Fonda, and the subsequent fire bombing of Quaker House in Fayetteville, NC, the gathering place for the GI resistance then and now. The film relates early protest history to last March's 2nd Anniversary of the

Iraq War march and anti-war rally in Fayetteville, NC, featuring extensive footage and interviews with members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, and Gold Star Families for Peace. The film will be accompanied by Sean Crane, long-time associate of Quaker House.


Monday JANUARY 9, 7PM, Friends Center (Martin Luther King Room), 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA - Planning & Preparation Meeting for those doing civil disobedience on King Day [Jan. 16] at Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge, PA. [See below!] 

It is important that those who are planning or considering civil disobedience on King Day to attend. These pre-civil disobedience meetings are not briefings, they are for participants to actually plan the civil disobedience within the context of the overall demonstration and prepare for what we will do.  If you planning or considering civil disobedience on King Day, you need to be at the meeting on January 9!


Monday, January 16, 2006, 12 Noon Martin Luther King Day of Nonviolent Resistance Lockheed Martin, Mall & Goddard Boulevards, Valley Forge, PA. "Dissent without disobedience is consent" - Henry David Thoreau.

"The great initiative in this war is ours; the initiative to stop it must be ours" (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking in 1967 about the Vietnam War, resounds today about the war in Iraq . Complete text of speech here. Listen to the speech here.)

Complete account of the protest: click here.


Sunday, February 12 - Iraq & Beyond: Stopping the Merchants of Death - Rev. Simon Harak, SJ, National War Resisters League. Simon Harak entered the Jesuits [the Society of Jesus order of Catholic priests] in 1970. He has a Ph.D in Ethics from Notre Dame University and was professor at Fairfield University . He is the author of

numerous books including Nonviolence for the Third Millennium: Its Legacy and its Future.  As co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness, Rev. Harak traveled to Iraq three times before the war and organized a number of national peace tours. Rev. Harak is on the national staff of the War Resisters League, the oldest secular pacifist organization in the U.S., serving as the Anti-Militarism coordinator and national organizer of the Stop the Merchants of Death campaign.

Unfortunately, this potluck was cancelled due to the blizzard which occurred. Simon Harak may be rescheduled at a later date.


"A Celebration of Democracy, Dissent, & Civil Liberties" - March 8, 2006, Media, PA

March 8, 1971: A group calling themselves the "Citizens Commission to Investigate the FBI" break into the Media, PA FBI office, removing hundreds of files which when made public document the FBI's COINTELPRO
[Counter-Intelligence Program] policy of spying, infiltration, and harassment of civil rights and anti-war activism at the time. 
March 8, 2006 , 4PM : "A Celebration of Democracy, Dissent, & Civil Liberties" and protest of the Bush Administration widespread policy of domestic spying and USA Patriot assaults on democracy and civil
liberties. See the full account.


Sunday, March 12 " Venezuela 's Option for the Poor versus U.S. Greed", panel discussion on Venezuela and U.S. policy, 4:30PM , University Lutheran Church , 3637 Chestnut St. , Phila. , PA
Panelists, all of whom have just recently returned from Venezuela will include: Pat Albright, Global Womens Strike.
Eric Gjertsen, Payday (a mens network who work with Global Womens Strike); and Ray Torres, Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizer for Witness for Peace, has made numerous trips to
Haiti , Nicaragua , Mexico , Honduras , and Venezuela .


Sunday, March 19 (3rd anniversary of war's start), Area Candlelight Vigil & Service, Independence Visitors Center, 5th & Market Sts., Phila., PA; 6:15 PM.

Monday, March 20: A Global Call for Nonviolent Resistance to End the U.S.-Led Occupation of
Iraq .  Nobel Laureates; Cindy Sheehan, Eduardo Galeano, Harold Pinter, Ernesto Cardenal, Daniel Berrigan, SJ, John Dear, SJ,  the Brandywine Peace Community and many others from around the world have called on people to engage in acts of nonviolent resistance to the war on Monday, March 20, and several dates later in the year. Events being planned for the third anniversary of the war include a march on the Pentagon, direct action at military recruitment centers, and war profiteers like Lockheed Martin. From Mourning to Resistance, Join us!

Monday, March 20, Noon, Nonviolent Resistance to the War's Chief Profiteer, Lockheed Martin, Mall & Goddard Boulevards, Valley Forge, PA (behind the King of Prussia Mall) (Map and directions) resisting the continuing war and in solidarity with National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance action at the Pentagon and weapons corporations nationwide. Those participating need to attend the nonviolent resistance/civil disobedience preparation meeting. Call the office for more information.


Wednesday, March 22nd 6:30-8:30 PM -- FILE A FOIA! A workshop for concerned activists and community members Featuring Baltazar Pinguel (AFSC) and Mary Catherine Roper (ACLU-PA)
15th and Cherry
Sts. , Philadelphia - American Friends Service Committee - MLK Room. Hosted by The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania , American Friends Service Committee, Brandywine Peace Community, National Lawyers' Guild, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.


April 9 [Palm Sunday] - Shane Claiborne, Simple Way ( religious activist and author of the
just published The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical.


Good Friday, April 14, Noon : Annual Good Friday observance. Stations of Justice & Peace, Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge , PA. (Map and directions) Mourning to Resistance: Stations of Justice & Peace  -  Nonviolent Resistance at Lockheed Martin, the Iraq war's #1 profiteer and the world's largest weapons corporation. Lockheed Martin, Mall & Goddard Boulevards, Valley Forge, PA. (behind King of Prussia Mall) Account & Full Observance, Stations, readings. (click here)


Sunday, May 14 - Special Mother's Day program. IN THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTI-WAR ORIGIN OF MOTHERS DAY...
MOTHERS DAY CONCERT FOR PEACE with Paulette Meir -  singer-songwriter, peace educator.   Come Join The Circle: LessonSongs for


June 11 - "OCCUPATION DREAMLAND" (78 minutes, large screen showing) is an unflinchingly candid look into a squad of American soldiers deployed to war ravaged city of Falluja during the winter of 2004.  The film chronicles the daily life of young soldiers on patrol in an environment of violence creeping steadily towards catastrophe.  Filmmakers Garrett Scott and Ian Olds were given unrestricted access to operations of the Army's 82nd Airborne division as the Iraqi city's waning stability gives way to the final Marine assaults of 2004 "One of the best pieces of visual reportage to have emerged from the war in Iraq." - Jessica Winter, LA Weekly. "Unnervingly intimate." - Dennis Lim, Village Voice.

June 14, Noon Phila. 'DON'T SPY ON ME' Campaign - Area Peace Groups Taking FOIA action - , National Constitution Center. 
About 75 people attended the Phila. 'DON'T SPY ON ME' Campaign launch rally in front of the National Constitution Center and public filing of Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] requests by area anti- war, peace, and justice groups at the Phila. Federal Building where the initial FOIA requests were made to the regional office of the FBI.  Before leaving the National Constitution Center, statement of the campaign was read.  So begins the  Phila. 'DON'T SPY ON ME' Campaign.

FRIDAY, JUNE 16 Day After (2500) mad milestone of war...Toll the bell of peace and solemnly vigil at noon on the west side of Phila. City Hall, 15th & Market Sts, the day after the report of the 2500th U.S. war death. newspaper article "Don't just do something", as Dan Berrigan once said during the Vietnam War", "Stand there". Can we imagine the number of Iraqis killed - 100,000 plus! Oh God, we must see their deaths in the faces of the U.S. dead. Remember all those who have died - U.S., Iraqis - and Vigil for Peace and right now take the DECLARATION OF PEACE,

June 22, 6:30PM, Phila. at Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA. Area Organizing Meeting for the Declaration of Peace Campaign, initiated by the Brandywine Peace Community in the Phila. Area. For all Phila. Area Anti-War, Peace, and Community Groups, all Declaration of Peace Pledge signers and prospective signers.  Find out more about the Declaration of Peace campaign and pledge. Join in reviewing and shaping plans to implement  throughout the Phila. Area. this vital, new national campaign. Join us on June 22, 6:30PM, at Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA.  Together we can make it happen!

July 3rd, 7PM, Declaration of Peace Demonstration (& the 1st Philadelphia Area Declaration of Peace Pledge Signing,  Phila. Federal Building, 6th & Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA. Read all about the event!

July 9 - 4:30 PM - COMING HOME: What they never told you when you enlisted. Dr. Jon Bjornson.

Dr. Bjornson is a retired psychiatrist who was a Major in the Army Medical Corps in Vietnam, 1964-65, serving as Chief Psychiatric Consultant, U.S. Armed Forces, Vietnam.  Dr. Bjornson was one of the organizers of Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Pennsylvania, 1968 - 72, testified at Winter Soldier War Crimes Hearing in 1971on the war crimes and the medical aspects of war crimes,  and demonstrated in Washington returning his medals in 1971. Dr. Bjorson was on the staff of the Wisconsin University Medical School and later at Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia. He is the author a number of medical journal papers. He is a consultant with the Vietnam Veterans program at Graterford State Prison and has counseled both Vietnam Veterans and now Iraq Veterans suffering the scars of war. He is a currently a member of Veterans for Peace and Physicians for Social Responsibility  in Philadelphia. He is married with two children and 3 grand-children.


Monday, July 17th, 2006 ST. PATRICK'S FOUR PEACE ACTIVISTS Clare Grady and Danny Burns were released, after serving six months in prison for resisting war in Iraq. Danny was released from the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, and Clare, from the Philadelphia Federal Detention Center.  Teresa Grady was released on May 19th.  Peter DeMott is scheduled for release from the Binghamton halfway house on Sept. 17th, 2006.
Vigil, July 17th - Beginning at 8:30AM, Federal Detention Center, 7th & Arch Sts.,Philadelphia, PA.
Clare, as she leaves prison, wants us to keep in mind and bring to public attention all the war resisters, political prisoners, and prisoners of conscience jailed across the country -  including: Lt. Ehren Watada, the first officer to refuse activist and political prisoner for the independence of Puerto Rico, now being held at FDC Philly; the Cuban 5; death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal, and all who struggle for justice and for peace.  We will gather at 8:30 am, 7th & Arch Streets, at the entrance of the prison.  Clare's release time is unknown (Clare thinks that it will most likely be around 11 am).
After Clare's release the vigil was moved to the Federal building (601 Market St.), around the corner from the prison, to bring attention to the
Declaration of Peace, which is a pledge to take action to bring the troops home now; and by Sept. 21st, to have a Congressionally established a comprehensive plan to end the US war in Iraq; and oppose future US military interventions.  Throughout the vigil, people will also leaflet in front of the Federal Building about Teresa and Clare Grady, - all long time members of the Catholic Worker - who were arrested two days before the start of the U.S. invasion after pouring blood around an entranceway to a military recruitment station in Ithaca, New York.  Their trial on NY state charges ended in a hung jury. Nine months later, the Federal government filed charges against the four which included federal charges of conspiracy, trespass, and damage to property.  Each were found guilty and sentenced: Danny Burns (six months); Peter DeMott (eight months, four of which in a halfway house); Teresa Grady (4 months); Clare Grady (six months).
For more about the Saint Patrick's Four, visit


Down by the Riverside and at Lockheed Martin August 6 - 9  Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Resisting Militarism, the War, & Lockheed Martin

August 6, 7:30PM - Hiroshima Day Anti-War Candlelight Memorial 30th Street Bridge,
August 9, Noon  - Nagasaki Day of Remembrance & Resistance at Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge, PA. (Report)


Wednesday, AUGUST 16, Noon, Phila. City Hall, west side, 15th & Market Sts. Music, poetry, speakers, and the Phila. DECLARATION OF PEACE Walk and "Special Delivery" delegations to offices of PA Senators Santorum (Widener Bldg., south side of Phila. City Hall) and Specter (Phila. Federal Bldg., 6th & Market Sts.). Thousands and thousands of people across the U.S. are taking the DECLARATION OF PEACE pledge, declaring peace, and making the DECLARATION OF PEACE a significant campaign of people and groups across the country taking peaceful steps demanding that "the troops be brought home now." Thousands of DoP pledgers are also pledging to engage in nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience across the U.S., including Philadelphia, and in Washington, D.C., if a comprehensive plan to end the war is not established by Congress and underway by September 21, 2006, International Peace Day.   

During this month's Congressional Summer Recess (as Cindy Sheehan's "Camp Casey", August 6 - September 2, makes its appeal for peace near the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX), people across the country are taking to their U.S. Senators and Congresspeople the DECLARATION OF PEACE Congressional Pledge, imploring them to make a pledge to work to establish a comprehensive plan for peace by September 21, 2006, International Peace Day.

Prior to the Center City DECLARATION OF PEACE Walk and "Special Delivery" of the DoP Congressional Pledge to the U.S. Senators, "Special Delivery" delegations will make vigiling visits during the AM hours to the local offices of Phila. Area U.S. Congresspeople (i.e.: Representatives Robert Brady, Chaka Fattah, Alyson Swartz, Curt Weldon, Rob Andrews, etc.) with the Congressional Pledge.  Should you wish to join a DECLARATION OF PEACE Congressional Pledge "Special Delivery" delegation, call the Brandywine Peace Community, 610-544-1818.  Read a full account of the events

Thursday, August 17th, 6:30 PM DECLARATION OF PEACE Nonviolence Training Sessions: - Nonviolent Direct Action Training Workshop for all those planning to participate in the DECLARATION OF PEACE direct action and nonviolent civil disobedience in Philadelphia; All sessions are being lead by Dion Lerman at Friends Center/Martin Luther King Room, 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA (more)

Thursday, August 24, 6:30PM, Peacekeeper Training for those who wish to play the vital of role of peacekeepers at the planned DECLARATION OF PEACE demonstrations in Philadelphia; All sessions are being lead by Dion Lerman at Friends Center/Martin Luther King Room, 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA (more)


Monday, Sept. 4 Declaration of Peace/U.S. Labor Against the War at the Labor Day parade. (Call the office for more info.)

Thursday, September 7, 6:30PM, Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Training Session. All those planning on participating in the Declare Peace Nonviolent Civil Disobedience actions at Senator Santorum's office (September 25) are required to attend. All sessions are being lead by Dion Lerman at Friends Center/Martin Luther King Room, 1501 Cherry St., Phila., PA. (more)


Sunday, September 10 - "HEY MR. GANDHI! How about taking on the American Empire?" Reflections on the art of people power 100 years after Satygraha was invented, and its potential for today's victims of empire, with: GEORGE LAKEY, trainer, organizer, author, and director of Training for Change.
George Lakey, 68, has led over 1000 workshops over five continents, taught peace studies at colleges and universities, led activist projects on local, state, and national levels, and  authored seven books on nonviolent social change, peace, and organizational development.  He is Director of Training for Change. Lakey's first arrest was in the civil rights movement and his first book,"A Manual for Direct Action" (with Martin Oppenheimer) was a handbook for that movement in the '60s.  He was smuggled into the Burmese jungle to teach pro-democracy students in a guerrilla encampment, and was part of the first Sri Lankan team of Peace Brigades International, giving protective accompaniment to human rights activists in the midst of civil war.  He was a crew member of the sailing ship Phoenix which took medical supplies to the Vietnamese in defiance of the U.S. government.  In 2003 he co-authored the most extensively researched training curriculum in the field of civilian peacekeeping: Opening Space for Democracy 634 pp., see This year George Lakey is the Eugene M. Lang Guest Professor of Issues in Social Change at Swarthmore College.  His upcoming workshops can be found on: Following the program, there will be a short outdoor vigil marking the anniversary of September 11, 2001, anniversary of terror, five years of "Bush's war", and honoring 100 years of Nonviolent Action.


Rally to Defend the Constitution! National Constitution Day, Sunday, September 17, 2:30 pm Independence Mall, 5th & Market, Philadelphia Featured speakers: John Dean, former White House counsel and author of Worse than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; Michael Coard, host of The Radio Courtroom on WHAT 1340 AM  Angel Ortiz, former Philadelphia City Councilman and a lead sponsor of the Philadelphia anti-PATRIOT Act Resolution Readings of translated poetry written by Guantanamo Bay detainees
Puppets from Spiral Q Puppet Theater   Additional speakers to be announced. For more information please contact us at or 215-592-1513 x123. Rally info



Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 7PM International House, 3701 Chestnut St, Phila., PA Admission: $10. $8 for Students and Seniors

Scribe Video Center Producers' Forum & Brandywine Peace Community Presents "THE CAMDEN 28" (Director: Anthony Giacchino, 2005, US, Video, 82 mins.)
How far would you go to stop a war?  On August 22, 1971, twenty-eight men and women carried out a powerful act of civil disobedience against the U.S. war in Vietnam by attempting to break into a draft board and destroy draft files in the Camden, NJ Federal Building.  The activists were part of a nonviolent anti-war movement popularly known as the "Catholic Left." Apprehended "in the act", the activists stated that their actions were meant to show their belief that killing and war was morally indefensible and must be stopped even at the risk of one's liberty.  By conducting their action in Camden, NJ (then and now, one of the poorest cities in the nation), the activists wanted to demonstrate the war's damaging effect on an impoverished people. 
Winner of both the Philadelphia Film Festival's Audience and Jury Awards for "Best Documentary", THE CAMDEN 28 is a riveting story of resistance, backdrop of one of the most turbulent periods in U.S. history.
After the film, join filmmaker Anthony Giaccino, members of the Camden 28, the Brandywine Peace Community, and some of today's generation of peace activists for a discussion about how the events portrayed in the film resonate in today's climate and how we can move from opposition to resistance.

Thursday, September 21, 7:30PM, International Day of Peace Candlelight Vigil to Declare Peace, in front of historic Christ Church, 2nd & Market Sts, Phila. followed by short walk to the Phila. Federal Building, 6th & Market Sts; [Part of nationwide candlelight vigils observing International Peace Day and the start of the Declaration of Peace Week throughout the country and in Washington, DC.]



Alan Dawley is the author of "Changing the World: American Progressives in War and Revolution" (Harvard University Press, 2003), Professor of History at The College of New Jersey, and a member of the steering committee of Historians Against the War (


November 4, 10AM Stop the Violence: End Poverty; Stop the War: March Under the EL & Justice Tour Begins at Frankford Transportation Center at 10 AM. Concluding Rally (3PM) at Independence Visitors Center, 5th & Market.

read more and see video


Tues., November 21, 9:30AM, corner of Broad St. & JFK Boulevard (Northeast side of Phila. City Hall, a short block from the Criminal Justice Center), Stand with the "PHILA. DECLARE PEACE 14" in Vigil prior to their 10:30AM Phila. Municipal Court Status Hearing, where they will receive their future court date.

The American people have rejected Bush's policy of war and occupation in Iraq, demanding with our votes that Congress act for peace. Bush Won't Listen.  Congress Must Act!

Between September 21 - 28, as part of the Declaration of Peace campaign, people nationwide demanded that Congress establish a comprehensive plan to end the war and bring the troops home now.

On September 25, at the Philadelphia office of Senator Rick Santorum,  14 people were arrested for nonviolently demanding that our Senators and Congresspeople act to end the war. The "Phila. DECLARE PEACE  14" now face prosecution in Phila. Municipal Court on misdemeanor charges of defiant trespass, criminal trespass, and criminal conspiracy. On Tuesday, November 21, all fourteen are slated for a "status hearing" where they will simply receive a future court date. 

Stand with the "Phila. Declare Peace 14"! Following the vigil, people will walk to the Criminal Justice Center/Phila. Municipal Court, 1301
Filbert St. (Filbert & Juniper)
Demand that our Senators and Congresspeople,  the New Congress which We Elected, Act for Peace.

The "Phila. Declare Peace 14" are: Beth Friedlan, Karen Wisniewski, Sylvia Metzler, Mary Jo McArthur, Bernadette Cronin-Geller, Melissa
Elliott and Ronald Coburn, all of Philadelphia; Timothy Chadwick and Robert Daniels, both of Bethlehem; Robin Lasersohn and Thomas Mullian, both of Media; Robert M. Smith, of Swarthmore; Marjorie Van Cleef, of Bryn Mawr; and Silvia Brandon-Perez, of Tobyhanna, P


Sunday, December 10 - "Who Decides?  -- If Not The People, It's Not Democracy."

Ben Price, Projects Director Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF).
Ben Price is a cum laude graduate of West Chester State University, Pennsylvania. He has been an activist for Campaign Finance Reform,
Electoral Reform, Fair Trade and Peace issues, and past president of the Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network. He served as contributing editor for the monthly newsletter Groundswell (1995 1999) and in 1997 began writing about the distorting effects of corporations on democracy. As an activist for Campaign Finance Reform legislation, he was involved with the Alliance for Democracys Democracy Brigades and participated in non-violent civil disobedience actions at the nations Capitol. In 2002 he ran an independent campaign for U.S. Congress in the 19th Pennsylvania House district. After attending the Legal Defense Funds Democracy School in 2003, Ben attended Guiding the Conductors classes to prepare to teach the history, law and lore of corporations. He is a certified lecturer for the Democracy Schools.
Ben accepted the position of Project Director in the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund's Corporations and Democracy Program in
2005. As Project Director, Ben organizes and educates community groups and municipal governments to challenge the Corporate State's usurpations of people's rights and governing authority. Working with people to create democracy in their communities, where they live, in violation of state and federal preemptions, means engaging in "non-violent civil disobedience through local law-making."

"Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and
these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those
whom they oppress." :  Frederick Douglass

Friday, December 22, 7PM - Christmas Candlelight Vigil for Peace Lockheed Martin (the world's largest weapons corporation, the Iraq War's chief profiteer), Mall & Goddard Blvds., Valley Forge, PA (behind the King of Prussia Mall) In a Time of War: For Peace, a Child is Born! Join us in the Peace of the Season, in music, caroling, speakers, bell-tolling and reading names of U.S. and Iraqi war dead!
Join us where the weapons are built and the light of peacemaking must shine!